71.1 °F

Weather Observation Records

Observations are powered by a Personal Weather Station
Temperature Records
2024 All Time
Highest Temperature 96.2 °F 96.2 °F
Lowest Temperature 8.9 °F -3.7 °F
Highest Heat Index 96.7 °F 98.3 °F
Lowest Wind Chill -12.6 °F -35.5 °F
Largest Daily Temperature Range 34.6 °F
(Min: 42.8 °F - Max: 77.4 °F )

(Min: 43.9 °F - Max: 83.9 °F )
40 °F
Smallest Daily Temperature Range 3 °F
(Min: 48.4 °F - Max: 51.4 °F )

(Min: 45.2 °F - Max: 47.4 °F )
2.2 °F
Wind Records
2024 All Time
Strongest Wind Gust 57 mph 64 mph
Rain Records
2024 All Time
Highest Daily Rainfall 1.63 in 3.79 in
Highest Daily Rain Rate 5.88 in/hr 82.29 in/hr
Month with Highest Total Rainfall 4.12 in April September, 2021 6.3 in
Total Rainfall for 2024 19.02 in 2020 34.81 in
Consecutive Days With Rain 6 days ending 9 days
Consecutive Days Without Rain 11 days ending 37 days
Humidity Records
2024 All Time
Highest Humidity 80% 96%
Lowest Humidity 7% 1%
Highest Dewpoint 70.3 °F 75.3 °F
Lowest Dewpoint -15.0 °F -44.4 °F
Barometer Records
2024 All Time
Highest Barometer 30.644 inHg 31.180 inHg
Lowest Barometer 29.113 inHg 29.044 inHg